Monday, August 31, 2009

Time Travelers Wife

Last Friday night a girlfriend and I were discussing what to see at the theater. One of the previews I had seen was The Time Travelers Wife. The scenes were very touching and somewhat heart-wrenching, two people very much in love and torn apart by circumstances beyond their control. I warned my friend that there might be tears, armed myself with a handful of tissues and off we went. Surprisingly, I stayed dry-eyed for most of the movie. Henry (Eric Bana) travels through time without warning due to a rare genetic disorder. Drawn from time and place to time and place he continually pops, unannounced, in and out Clare's (Rachel McAdams) life. Clare first meets Henry when she is 5 and he is in his forties. Then Clare introduces herself to a younger Henry when she is in college and he is working at the college library. The two eventually marry and have a daughter. Somehow Henry is able to visit them, via time travel, even after he's dead. Time travel stories are always hard for me to keep up with. The story jumps from era to era, with Henry arriving older or younger. Somehow he and Clare form a very romantic, though somewhat tragic, relationship. Ultimately, this is a great romantic movie definitely worth watching if you believe in true love that lasts a life time, not necessarily in chronological order. Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams have great chemistry P. S. Henry and Clare's friend Gomez, played by Ron Livingston, was a familiar face from HBO-TV's "Sex and the City" (Berger, one of Carrie's boyfriends).

Check it out... The library has over 260 time travel novels, but for more scholarly information about the possibility of time travel check out "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe : the Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time" by Richard J. Gott (530.11 GOT).

Poster courtesy of MSN Movies

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