Thursday, September 10, 2009

Final Destination

This 3-D thriller is not for the faint of heart. The first time I saw "Final Destination", it was the second movie of the series, on television. I was fascinated by the writers concept of fate. Do we control our own destiny or do we have a preset appointment with death? If, somehow, we learn the time and situation of our death, can we change it? So... I watched the other two "Final Destination" films, again on TV. For someone who does not watch "scary" movies, I thought I was prepared to step out of my comfort zone, and paid money to see The Final Destination 3-D. Bad decision. The 3-D had me regularly jumping out of my seat. And the "accidents" playing two or three times for each character was just too much to bear. I went home an emotional wreck. So, for those of you with gentler constitutions, I suggest you skip this one. For those of you who love to scare yourselves with pithy scenes of destruction... this one's for you.

Check it out..."The Soul's Code : In Search of Character and Calling" by James Hillman (150 HIL)suggests every person is born with a defining image that affirms his or her inherent uniqueness and destiny.

Poster courtesy of MSN Movies

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