Monday, November 3, 2008


Of course I knew I would love Changeling. How could I not with Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) directing, and surprise, included in the music credits. Based on the actual incident that happened in California, Jolie plays the distraught mom who unrelentingly fights against a corrupt system to find her son. It doesn't hurt to have John Malkovich as the pro bono lawyer helping her and trying to take down the dishonest LA police. Michael Kelly (from TV series "The Sopranos"*) plays the sleazy LA cop running the investigation.
Definitely a winner. One of my old favorites, and a notable flick about police corruption is "The Untouchables"* with Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness.

Check it out... *both The Untouchables and The Sopranos are available at the Nesmith Library.

Poster courtesy of MSN Movies

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